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In the last series under “Planets” sections, we have described different characteristics of planets and in this series, we will understand the planet more deeply and will know what exactly the planet signifies.

(You can check-out the series describing different characteristic of planets, here -: Planets in Vedic astrology )

In the last post of this series, we have discussed about the planet Venus. Here, we will discuss about the Saturn.

(Read the previous post of this series here -: The Venus )

Symbolic meaning of the Saturn

The symbolic meaning of Saturn is “Negativity”, which is all about “Bad Luck”, “Pessimism” and “Restriction”.

“Bad luck” simply means “Scarcity”, “Poverty”, “Fear”, “Grief” and having a sense of all such things.

Similarly, “Pessimism” includes finding flaws/drawbacks, criticism and detachment.

Saturn represents “Loneliness”, “strangeness”, “abnormality”, “Perversion” and “Annihilation” all together.

The fear & grief of being rejected or, defeated is strongly represented by Saturn too.

Saturn Symbol Image

The “Pessimism” trait of Saturn brings lack of enthusiasm, emotional coldness, stubbornness, too much practicality and realism in life.

Another major thing that it represents is “Restriction”.

Now, this restriction can be financial, physical or, restriction in time.

Because of the financial restriction; Saturn represents poor people, minorities, lower class people, servants, sub-ordinates, poverty and the attitude of giving service to others or, “Servitude”.

Similarly, because of the physical restriction; Saturn represents handicaps and people with disabilities.

Now, the greatest of all kinds of restrictions/limitations is the restriction in time and thus, Saturn represents "enduring things", i.e., things that never ends and repeated tasks or, daily routine etc.

Time causes “Decay” which leads to diseases, old age and finally death.

Diseases that primarily causes weakness, slowness such as paralysis and chronic diseases is represented by Saturn.

Old age also leads to various physical and mental restriction and weakness and therefore, Old people, sick people and old age is represented by Saturn.

After old age comes the ultimate restriction, i.e. “Death” and thus, both “Longevity” and “Death” is represented by “Saturn”.

Nature of the Saturn

Saturn is the slowest moving planet and farthest of all planets used in Vedic astrology.

From a distance, this slow moving planet, always keep its eyes on the activities of people over earth, notes down their karma (deeds) and give the appropriate consequences with time.

Vedic deity of the Saturn: “Shani”

“Shani” is the deity of the Saturn. His father is none other than the mighty “Surya Dev” (Deity of the Sun) and mother is “Chayya” (The shadow of Devi “Sangya”).

“Shani Dev” is also a male deity in the Puranas, whose iconography consists of a handsome figure carrying a sword or “danda” (sceptre), and sitting on a crow.

He is a god of Justice in Hinduism and he gives benefits to all, depending upon their deeds (Karma). His consort is goddess “Manda”.

“Shani Dev” is often considered as “inauspicious” and bringer of bad luck and one who gets angry easily and takes revenge on whoever made him upset.

His alternate names include “Ara”, “Kona”, “Kroda” etc.

Description of “Shani” in “Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra”

The “Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra” or, “BPHS” is considered as the fundamental scripture of Vedic astrology and there, the description of “Shani” is given as follows -:

“The Saturn has an emaciated and long physique, honey colored eyes, is windy in temperament, has big teeth, is indolent, lame and has coarse, rough hair.”

{The personality and nature of the native is influenced by the ascendant, strong planet of the chart & ascendant of the D-9 (Navamsha) chart.}

Saturn as significator

Saturn is the significator of all the things that it represents and till now, we got a general idea of what it represents.

Let’s go one step further into the discussion to know what other things the Saturn can signify.

Saturn signifies the following things -:

1. Discipline, duty, day to day work, hard work

2. Limitations, restrictions, boundaries, reality, practicality, detachment, despire

3. Sorrow, grief, fear, poverty, ageing, longevity, death, darkness, blindness

4. Labor, jobs, career, land, oil, coal, petroleum, products that are extracted from earth like mineral and metallurgical products

5. Iron, leather, loans, burdens, servants in the family

6. Handicaps, Old & sick people, big industries, crippled person

7. Humiliation, disrespect, addiction, bad luck, vices, greed

8. Prison, prisoners, imprisonment, impotence, hospitalization

9. Dirty clothes, foreign language, cremation ground, graveyard

10. Cold, Ice, severe, austere, slowness, repetitive nature, orthodox nature

11. Old habits, pessimism, blockages, hardened things, mental pressure

12. Problems, separation, renunciation, depression, patience, resilience

13. Reservation, Research & analysis, deep & penetrating, judging, judge

14. Science, technical subjects like engineering, factories, mining industries

15. Coal & oil industries, heavy industries, agricultural land, agriculture

16. Bricks & mortars, real estates, construction work, workers, sub-ordinates

17. Black gram, mustard seeds, isolated places, deep forests

In Medical astrology, the Saturn represents the following things -:

1. Ankles & wrists

2. Teeth

3. Knees, legs, feet

4. Large intestine & excretory system

Appearance of a person influenced by the Saturn

If the Saturn dominates in the horoscope of a person then, he/she is said to be influenced by the Saturn more than any other planet and may reflect some of the following traits in his/her appearance & behavior -:

1. Tall & thin

2. Dark complexion

3. Dry hair

4. Thick nails

5. Big teeth

It is not necessary that he/she will reflect all such traits as other planets also influence the appearance of the person.

This is all about the Saturn in Vedic astrology. 

Read our post on the lunar nodes ,i.e., “Rahu” & “Ketu” : The Lunar Nodes

Thank you
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